Elementary School

Jan Collins Elementary Principal
Portsmouth Christian Elementary School welcomes you! We endeavor to maintain a warm, friendly atmosphere where children in grades K3-5th can thrive. You are invited to peruse our website and visit our campus to witness in person our excellent spiritual and academic environment. Our godly teachers strive to reach their students for Christ and prepare them academically, emotionally, and physically to excel as Christian leaders for tomorrow.
During the year, we plan many activities that challenge the students and make wonderful memories for the students as they continue their education and recall their elementary days at PCS. Those activities include the Fall Festival, Thanksgiving Celebration, Tree Decorating Ceremony & Birthday Party for Jesus, Elementary Grade Level Musical Programs, Grandparents’ Day, Bible Presentation, Field Day, and the end of the year picnics. Additionally, class field trips are scheduled as milestones for each year, such as the Pumpkin Patch, Children’s Museums, Science Museums, Jamestown, Williamsburg, Richmond and Washington DC.
As we nurture our students in the ways of Jesus Christ, we provide opportunities for them to develop a servant’s heart and to demonstrate service to others through mission activities. For nine weeks each semester, after school clubs meet on Tuesday which offer classes in areas that enable students to minister to others in assisted living homes and with other community projects. Throughout the year, many opportunities to give to the less fortunate in our community and in other parts of the world are given through special offerings and food drives.
Portsmouth Christian is considered to be a partner with the parents and the local church to provide a compassionate Christian education for the total child. Communication and teamwork is vital to reach this noble pursuit! Our weekly newsletter helps to keep our parents up to date with our school activities.
We would love for you to consider Portsmouth Christian School for the education of your children. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.
Mrs. Jan Collins
Elementary Principal
7757.393.0725 ext. 111