Spiritual growth opportunities for our students are of utmost importance at Portsmouth Christian. In addition to the Bible classes our children attend every school day, we integrate the scriptures into our academic lessons. Some examples of additional opportunities we offer in this area are Bible Presentation, weekly Chapel services for all our students, and Bible Studies.
On the first Thursday in May, the elementary grades 1-5 have a special chapel where each grade level recites all of the Bible verses they have memorized during the school year. Each grade begins the presentation by singing a favorite praise song before saying anywhere from 5 to 7 passages averaging 40 verses. Portsmouth Christian School believes scripture memory plays a vital part in preparing students to live successful Christian lives as described in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and Psalm 119:105.
Chapels are held weekly for K4-5th grades for opportunity to collectively worship, praise and hear the Word of God. Spiritual themes are selected each year and divided into monthly emphases. Classes participate by leading opening pledges and prayer as well as occasionally presenting the lesson. Guest speakers are invited to share messages which challenge and encourage the staff and students.